Minutes, Annual Meeting May 25, 2017

Attendees: Darla Hamlin, Thaddeus & Holly Day, Leslie & Rob Taisey, Margie Hansel, Kelly Tittle, Marilyn Matthews, Michael Babin, Deborah Buxton, Michael Estes, Karen & Alan Morrison, Brian Bartlett, Bill and Tennie Shardlow, Jim Howe, Andy Walsh, and Lisa Stoddard

After half an hour of gathering and social time, at 6:05 pm Darla Hamlin welcomed the group to our second annual banquet / business meeting, followed by introductions and summary of each business present.    Dinner followed. 

At 7:00 pm Elections began with nominating of officers.  Motioned and seconded, the officers carried were Darla Hamlin, President; Karen Morrison, Vice President; Marilyn Matthews, Secretary and Thaddeus Day, Clerk.  The position of Treasurer remains open with a goal to fill the position and train the new Treasurer before August 1, 2017.   Darla thanked Leslie Taisey for filling the Treasurer position for several years and doing a great job at it.


Darla presented an overview of NYBA’s accomplishments in the 2016 / 2017 term, and an outline of proposed goals for the coming year.  A copy of this presentation was given to all present.  In addition, suggestions were made as follows:

All members should provide Thad with suggestions for future speakers who can bring interest to the meetings.  Some suggestions were disaster training and tips on how to market your business. 

Treasurer Report: Account balance of $2,829, reflecting a net profit of $64.18 from the Trade Show.  The Fire Company was very pleased to work with us on a joint show / dinner as the donations received there were more than expected.

We discussed ways to be more visible locally.  Marilyn suggested we ask the Town Office if we can place our banner in their lobby for a  time, as they receive a lot of foot traffic.   We also want to pursue the stickers for members who continue from year to year.   Also, Marilyn will contact members for interest on displaying the banner at their place of business for thirty day intervals.   Additionally, we’d like to get our activities, meeting schedule and perhaps minutes linked to the Town website.

Darla mentioned that the North Yarmouth Events Committee is selling business ads to members and other local businesses for inclusion in the FunDay brochure.  NYBA members receive a ten percent discount on their ad. 

Minutes for the March 2017, and May 2017 meetings will be reviewed and accepted at the June meeting, to be held June 15, 2017 5:30 at Toddy Brook. (Footnote…since publishing the minutes the June meeting is moved to June 22.)

Respectfully submitted 

Marilyn Matthews, Secretary