Minutes, January 16, 2014

strong>North Yarmouth Business AssociationToddy Brook Golf Club Meeting Room

Minutes January 16, 2014

Attendance Michael Babin, Brian Bartlett, Rob Taisey, Mary Conroy, Thad Day, Alan & Karen Morrison, Marilyn Matthews, Margie Hansel
Meeting called to order at 7:00 AM by new President Mary Conroy.
We did not have a scheduled speaker this month.  Marilyn Matthews will ask David Magee to speak at the February meeting on recent changes in health care plans and the Affordable Care Act.
Discussion A motion was made to accept the December minutes, seconded and approved.  Comment was made that the reminders going out for meetings and socials are great.  Confirmation was received from Skyline Farm securing our 3/7/14 Trade Show date. Show will be 5 – 7 pm, with exhibitors in at 3:00 pm for setup.   Mary Conroy is sending sponsorship request letters to local banks & credit unions to gage interest.  We will offer “Premiere” ($400) and “Community” ($200) sponsor levels with varying visibility on promotionals, at the event, in advertisements, on website and press release, plus recognition and speaking opportunity at the event.   We confirmed the fee this year to display will be $50 for memers, $75 for non members.  It was decided the deadline for registration to display at the Trade show will be 2/15/14.   Leslie, Mary and Marilyn will divide tasks to be accomplished before the show and ask other members for assistance on these.   We also thought it would be a good idea to give a Skyline Farm representative an opportunity to speak at the Trade Show.  It was confirmed we will make a $300 donation to Skyline for the space.

Membership: dues was received from two more members and given to Rob T for delivery to Leslie.

Mary Conroy will research other website hosting facilities for ease of edits, and perhaps some savings.

Reports Rob Taisey reported no change to account balance of $1199.04 since December.  The nominated slate of officers was unanimously voted in at the annual meeting on 1/9/14.  Mary Conroy, President, Brian Bartlett, VP, Marilyn Matthews, Secretary, Leslie Taisey, Treas., Thaddeus Day, Clerk.  Congratulations we offered to all.


Meeting adjourned at 7:55 AM — Respectfully Submitted: Marilyn Matthews, Secretary