Minutes September 18,2014

>North Yarmouth Business AssociationToddy Brook Golf Club Meeting Room

Minutes September 18, 2014

Attendance Mary Conroy, Marilyn Matthews, Margie Hansel, Thad Day, Darla Hamlin, Alan & Karen Morrison,
Meeting called to order at 7:07 AM by Mary Conroy.
Presentation Guest Speaker was our new Town Manager Rosemary Roy, who shared some background about her prior successes in Town development in Poland Maine.  She sees North Yarmouth in much the same position as Poland was in 2005, and in the span of approx. four to five years they were able to accomplish good development and draw business into the region.  Rosemary is a notary. She served on the Economic Development Committee in Poland and will work closely with the EDC in No Yarmouth to develop the vision for our Town Center.  She encouraged residents and businessowners to attend the upcoming public meeting where the results of the recent survey completed by PDI will be presented.  Rosemary also hopes to bring more synergy to the Town by having public informational meetings, workshops, etc. to promote development.  She mentioned there is a new ICON on the Town website showing “downtown village” and said the infrastructure already in place here puts us ahead of the game for development.  Rosemary feels it’s crucial for NYBA to try to work closely with the Economic Development Committee to steer the direction of developing our Town center.
Discussion There was some minor discussion regarding the possibility of bringing natural gas to No Yarmouth as is being done in Cumberland.

After discussion it was agreed we will keep the meeting schedules as they are, with social meeting second Thursday each month 5:30 at Toddy Brook, and business meeting 7:00 am third Thursday of each month.  We want to build attendance, Thad Day suggested attendance is more topic driven …with good speakers and programs we might see more members attend.

Marilyn will coordinate with Leslie Taisey on dues and generating invoices for renewal memberships.


Reports No Treasurer report available as Leslie is out of Town

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 AM — Respectfully Submitted: Marilyn Matthews, Secretary