Minutes February 21, 2019

Attendees: Darla Hamlin, Scott Kerr, Marilyn Matthews, Andrew Walsh, Rob Taisey, Paul Weiss, Margie Hansel, Thad and Holly Day, Guest Meredith Strang Burgess

At 5:50 a brief round of introductions with short bios on what each business represented does began.

Thaddeus introduced Meredith Strang Burgess, principal at Burgess Advertising, Est. 1980. They are an advertising firm specializing in marketing and branding. SocialBoosting is a tool to help your business to grow with engagement and your audience.

Over the last ten years there has been three or four major transformations in th marketing and advertising field, so at present it is very splintered. That splintering however, now allows your ad dollars, time, and energy to be more narrowly targeted to specific outcome

The current market for ad dollars is a result of Larger, and Older Maine companies no longer being owned in Maine .. larger conglomereates bring that function inhouse. Examples are banks, manufacturers, large employers, etc. Honestly, even a Mainestay like Oakhurst Dairy is no locally or family owned.

Campaigns now are “mini” targeted to website design, and strategic marketing, which is Meredith’s specialty …. Including campaigns that get smaller companies noticed, with resources that dig deep into digital media. With social media, YOU can put out the messages you want clients to see, and there are many tools that allow small businesses to market this way, and MONITOR the results. In Maine, daily blasts, and testimonials seem to work well for small business.

Meredith also explained GEOfencing, and GEOtracking, used by industries such as car dealers, retail, etc., whereby they set up this digital “fence” around a certain area, and if your phone passes through that fence they can market to your phone by sending an ad. Really amazing concepts like these were presented by Meredith.

Old Business:

Acceptance of past meeting minutes unanimous.

Treasurer’s Report after expenses for Santa’s Helper project $4,158.62 balance.

Discussion of Trade Show Dates, Marilyn to contact Toddy Brook for availability. Approved to keep the trade show in Spring, late Apr. or early May.

New Business:

Kelly Scott resigned as VP due to her responsibilities as a new Mother. Hopefully nominating committee will have candidates in place by annual meeting May 16 2019.

Nominating Committee will be Scott K, Thad D, and one other member.

Darla also mentioned three possible new members in the works.

Darla announced the availability of Friends ofWestcustogo fundraiser, where you can pay $50 to have a photo included in the wall mosaic at the town office, or pay $250 to have a barn board engraved with your name, a family name, or business name. All donations must be received by December 2019.

Speaker ideas for upcoming meetings should be directed to Thaddeus.

Next meeting March 21, 2019, speaker is Dan Westhoven, Pathways Coordinator MSAD #51)

Meeting adjourned 7:15 pm

Respectfully submitted
Marilyn Matthews, Secretary