Minutes Nov 8, 2012

North Yarmouth Business Association

Toddy Brook Golf Club Meeting Room

Minutes November 8, 2012

Attendance Mary Conroy, Marilyn Matthews, Brian Bartlett, Leslie Taisey, Rob Taisey, Andrew Walsh, Thaddeus Day, Karen and Alan Morrison, Margie Hansel.  Meeting called to order 7:05 am
There was no formal presenter at this November meeting.  Thad Day is tring to arrange for Donna Palmer to speak at the next meeting, as we’d like more members to present.
Minutes for 10/19/2012 were reviewed, and approved. Minutes are posted on website each month no later than the Tuesday following our meeting. Email reminder will continue to be sent out to review.
Discussion The meeting began with casual discussion about the election results, Federal, State, and local.  It was noted the bill for cecession from RSU51 by North Yarmouth did not pass.  That segway’d to discussion about long term use of the NYMS building, parts of which would be good to retain such as the gym facility.   The repurposing of that building might include ideas for a charter school, community center, offices etc.Andy Walsh indicated the Economic Development and Sustainability Committee will meet on 11/15/12, and we hope to show a presence by several NYBA members attending to promote support of developing a town center where businesses are attracted to locate.   Conroy, Matthews, Walsh, Hansel all will try to attend.  Marilyn will send an email to all members notifying them of this opportunity to have input regarding this development. The “restructuring” of a central North Yarmouth area bordered by Routes 9 & 115, and Parsonage Rd, and beyond to include the “Don Smith” property, would be beneficial to attract businesses and individuals to settle here. It could allow for cluster, affordable and senior housing as well.Thad Day focused the meeting on nailing down our “trade show” idea in order to move forward with more difinitive plans.  Rob and Leslie Taisey after the meeting successfully booked March 8th at Westcustogo Hall, 3 to 8 pm, for this event, and the Town waived the rental fee.  We will still have to pay the deposit of $100 and secure event insurance.  Marilyn Matthews will research costs for that, as well as coordinate event information from all parties.  Mary Conroy will price out promotional costs for the event.  IF the 8th isn’t feasible for many members, the 15th and 22nd are also available at the hall.

Some discussion was  made regarding change of officers, as bylaws indicate three years maximum term, Marilyn will review prior minutes to see if we voted to extend current officers through May 2013.

Individual introductions were made around the table with each member giving a brief outline of their services and products.  We officially  welcomed Alan and Karen Morrison as members!

Without a final decision, more discussion addressed the possibility of changing our AM meeting to the first Thursday each month beginning January 2013.   Brian Bartlett has a three year committment on another committee the second Thurs of each month beginning then, we’d like to retain his enthusiasm for the group.


Reports Treasurer Leslie Taisey reported all but three members are now fully paid for renewal dues. Our bank balance is $1300.  It was motioned and approved to donate $50. to the Nicholas Demers Memorial Fund.  Leslie T. will get a card and send the check.  Any other members wishing to donate to this may send their checks c/o Lucille Demers, 24 Giles St., Westbrook, ME 04092.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 AM — Next meeting is our social on Nov 15th, 5:30 at Toddy Brook Country Club to be followed by attendance at the Economic Development Meeting at 7:00 pm.  Next business meeting will be held Dec 13th at Toddy Brook Cafe at 7:00 AM.

Respectfully Submitted: Marilyn Matthews, Secretary