Minutes July 12, 2012

North Yarmouth Business Association

Toddy Brook Golf Club Meeting Room


Attendance Michael Babin, Margie Hansel, Marilyn Matthews, Brian Bartlett, Janice Selig, Thaddeus Day, Leslie Taisey, Rob Taisey, Rep, Anne Graham
Presentation Guest speaker Rep. Anne Graham, District 109, spoke to the group regarding several recent changes in  legislation.  Anne is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner by profession, but represents parts of No. Yarmouth, Gray, Pownal in the State Legislature.   Anne forwarded a lengthy email to all NYBA members on 7/11/12 outlining the many changes recently addressed.   A copy of that email will be posted to the website.   Anne’s district is determined by population in the towns mentioned.  She feels it is very important for small Towns such as No Yarmouth to have a voice in government.  The bills she backed heavily were the Health Ins. Payment Reform, Property Tax Abatement Bill, CPR / AED Education to children, and Large Truck Drivers not being able to take Methodone.   On a Business front, Anne did not feel there was a great amount of change for small communities this session.  She did note all bonding has been put on hold by the Governor, and expressed opinion on that as Maine has a good bond repayment record and rating.   Anne discussed Dick Woodbury’s “resolve” on the Maine  Prosperity Plan for 2012, promoting improved education, implementation of back to work programs.   She discussed MUBEC, which is the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code, whereby contruction codes would be standardized throughout the State.   This might involve licensing or registering contractors to assure they adhere to the code and would reduce the red tape involved, it would also create a level field in which all contractors did business.  North Yarmouth itself had not applied for any economic development assistance.   This was discussed as the possible closing of No Yarmouth Elementary School will force the Town to pursue plans for economic development.    She also outlined the “AgriTourism” bill which relieves local farm and business premises owners from liability if they welcome tourist events to their property.   This would focus on farms, greenhouses, orchards, etc.   Anne Graham can be reached at  846 0049, or  apg1@maine.rr.com.  Anne is up for two year re-election.
Introductions and approval of prior minutes was not done in the interest of time.
Discussion It was motioned and approved to allow $200. toward the creation of purchase of a half or full page ad in the Funday Brochure. Mary Conroy has graciously agreed to assist in  creating that ad. There will be no large tent at Funday this year but the cost to have a table is down to $10., one member may have a 10 x 10 tent NYBA can borrow.  Funday is 9/8/12, motioned and approved to have a table at the event.Janice Selig reported the Town Meeting was not well attended this year, and although our banner and applications were present the table wasn’t manned as Janice has to be at a different post at the meeting.The North Yarmouth Walkabout will be 7/17/12 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM beginning at the Village Green gazebo.

It was approved to change the NYBA Social start time to 5:30 pm.

Reports Treasurer Leslie Taisey reported account balance of $1041.17.  It was noted that renewal invoices do not appear to have gone out this year and Marilyn Matthews will get those out next week.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 AM — Next meeting will be held August 9, 2012 at Toddy Brook Cafe.

Respectfully Submitted: Marilyn Matthews, Secretary